“7 Proven Tips for Crafting SEO-Friendly Blog Titles That Attract and Engage Readers” 

 March 15, 2023


Everyone knows that creating engaging and SEO-friendly blog titles can make or break your blogging career. The title of your blog post should be clear, concise and reflect what the article is about. At the same time, it should be written in a way that is search engine optimized, as Google ranks blog titles based on the relevance and targeted keywords. In this blog post, we’ll discuss seven proven tips for crafting SEO-friendly blog titles that attract and engage readers.

1. Know Your Audience:

One of the main components of crafting an SEO-friendly blog title is understanding your audience. You must know whom you are writing for and what their interests are. This will help you choose a title that is appealing, relevant, and engaging. The title must also have the necessary keywords that your audience is searching for. If your title does not resonate with your readers, they will quickly lose attention and look for other sources for information.

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2. Use Keywords Wisely:

Check to understand the right keywords that will target your audience. Keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are helpful in finding the relevant keywords for your blog post. Once you have identified the keywords, include them in your blog title, but not excessively. Overuse of keywords is not only a turn-off to your readers, but it can also lead to getting flagged by search engines for keyword stuffing.

3. Make It Clear and Descriptive:

The title of your blog post should give a clear and concise message of what the content is about. Blog titles should be descriptive enough to quickly grab the attention of your audience and give them an idea of what they will learn in your post. A clear, descriptive blog title will help your readers know what they are getting into and increase the chances of them reading your content.

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4. Be Creative and Engaging:

Using creativity and engagement in your blog titles sets you apart from other bloggers and attracts readers to your content. Use puns, alliteration, humor or teasing questions to entice the audience to want more. Creating curiosity ensures the reader will read on to the next section of the content, fulfilling your engagement goals.

5. Keep It Short and Sweet:

Short and attractive blog titles work. Grabbing your audience’s attention in a few seconds is crucial. A long and convoluted blog title is boring and may miss the point of your article. Google search engines also have a title limit for their search engine results pages, keeping the title within that limit will help your SEO score.

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6. Avoid Clickbait:

Using clickbait to create headlines may draw a larger audience in the short term. However, it can mislead readers who feel tricked to click only to find out that the article has failed to deliver what they expected. Long-term engagement with your readers comes from trustworthiness. If your readers feel deceived, they may never come back to your site. Use your blog titles to inform your audience, not to deceive them.

7. Previewing the Content:

Preview your content before selecting a title. The title should reflect the content of the entire article. A title that is misleading and does not reflect the content of the article will only frustrate the reader, increasing the chances of them leaving your website. Therefore, ensure that your title reflects the content of the article accurately.

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Q. How long should blog titles be?
A. The optimal length of blog titles is between 50-70 characters.

Q. How many keywords should be included in a blog title?
A. Two to three relevant keywords should be included in the blog title.

Q. Are there any words or phrases to avoid in blog titles?
A. Avoid generic terms like “best,” “amazing,” or “ultimate” etc., unless it is specifically fits the content being written about

Q. How important are headlines in SEO ranking?
A. Headlines are essential for SEO ranking as Google uses the headline extensively to deduce the content of the article

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Q. Should blog titles include brand names?
A. It is advisable to avoid excessively using brand names unless they are absolutely relevant to the content.

Q. Can subtitles be used in blog titles?
A. Subtitles can be used in blog titles to add depth and additional information, making the title engaging and unique.

Q. When is the best time to write the blog title?
A. It is best to write your blog title after you have finished writing the content of the blog post.


Crafting effective and SEO-friendly blog titles is essential for successful blogging. Through these seven tips, you can create engaging, unique, and SEO-friendly blog titles for your readers. Keep in mind that Keyword stuffing and being misleading are practices to be avoided while looking to drive traffic, rather building deceiving titles quickly lose the audience’s trust. Incorporate tips such as knowing your audience, using keywords wisely, keeping it clear, creative and engaging, previewing the content, and avoiding clickbait. Lastly, make sure to be consistent with your writing and don’t forget to preview your blog titles before posting.

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